Dedicated to support our communities worldwide

Closer communities

DPD group sustainability community support DPD group sustainability community support

Dedicated to support our communities worldwide

Closer communities

As recent times have shown us, wherever you live, we are all connected. That’s why DPDgroup and our staff in all the countries we operate in go all-out to support local communities in any way we can. By bringing people together, we help make a difference in lots of small ways. For DPDgroup, it helps us understand local challenges and support worthy causes. For our employees, it unlocks passion for causes close to their heart. For communities everywhere, it’s our way of saying thank you.


27,000+ employees involved

5,000+ parcels delivered to seriously ill and underprivileged children

312 organisations supported through volunteers, donations and services

Discover how DPD supports local communities in Slovakia

Ako doručovacia spoločnosť máme veľa príležitostí na vytváranie kontaktov a dlhodobých vzťahov. Našou ambíciou je pozitívny príspevok pre komunity, ku ktorým máme najbližšie. Máme širokú škálu tém a oblastí, do ktorých sú zapojení naši zamestnanci: solidárna doprava, deti a mládež s postihnutím, starší ľudia, zdravie, vzdelávanie, chudoba a životné prostredie. Každá obchodná jednotka vyvinula zmysluplnú iniciatívu súvisiacu s jej vlastným ekosystémom.

Discover how DPD supports local communities in Slovakia

blizsie ku komunitam blizsie ku komunitam

Ako doručovacia spoločnosť máme veľa príležitostí na vytváranie kontaktov a dlhodobých vzťahov. Našou ambíciou je pozitívny príspevok pre komunity, ku ktorým máme najbližšie. Máme širokú škálu tém a oblastí, do ktorých sú zapojení naši zamestnanci: solidárna doprava, deti a mládež s postihnutím, starší ľudia, zdravie, vzdelávanie, chudoba a životné prostredie. Každá obchodná jednotka vyvinula zmysluplnú iniciatívu súvisiacu s jej vlastným ekosystémom.

Našou ambíciou je pozitívny príspevok pre komunity,

ku ktorým máme najbližšie

The training school for guide dogs

komunity komunity

The training school for guide dogs

Its main goal is to help the weak-eyed and blind people to join the society through an especially trained guide dog. Moving with a guide dog is better and more effective than using a white stick, not to mention that the guide dog gives the visually impaired a feeling of safety and self-confidence.

The DrivingChange project also includes the support for Training School for Guide Dogs in Bratislava. Within the framework of cooperation, DPD has been supporting puppies from the breeding station of the training school since 2007.

Every year, DPD SK supports a dog who then wears a red-black logo of our company on its harness. We have been cooperating with the Dog Training School for a long time and thanks to this support, the school is able to fund the breeding, education, and training of guide dogs and help people with visual disabilities. Guide dog training is a costly and challenging process, and the role of a guide dog is hardly replaceable in the life of a blind man. Even thanks to DPD SK, the daily life of people with visual impairment may be easier.

We SEE it in the same WAY.


very year DPD SK supports a dog who wears a red-black logo of our company on its harness. We have been cooperating with the Dog Training School for Guide Dogs for a long time and thanks to this support, the school is able to fund the breeding, education and training of guide dogs and help people with visual disabilities. And we went even forward this year. We decided to help directly with education and training of one of the dogs (named Hany).

Here you can find out how the future guide dog, Hany,  is doing.

Dogs for Life

DPD redistributed support and assistance in the form of 1% of the tax to two organisations this year. One of them is the civil association Psi na život (Dogs for Life). It care about the education and training of dogs that, after successfully completing special training, become helpers for people with visual impairments. For the blind, the dog becomes a compensatory aid that replaces, supplements and supports missing or weakened vision functions. The organisation's mission is to create well-matched couples who go through life better together. The help of a four-legged partner significantly increases the autonomy and independence of a visually impaired person.

The most suitable breed for the demanding career of a guide dog is the Labrador retriever. The civil association Psi na život (Dogs for Life) also works with this breed. It cares about a playful puppy so as it becomes a confident, balanced, easy-to-manage, and well-cooperative guide dog. Thanks to the involvement in the international Service Dog Breeders Fellowship initiative it has an access to the puppies from purpose-built kennels. In the first year of life, the nature of potential furry companions and their suitability for further training are assessed. Then experts from the field of veterinary medicine evaluate their health state and condition. Only those dogs, that are suitable and ready for this difficult duty, progress to training. Training of the canine helpers isn’t only demanding and responsible, but also financially demanding work. At DPD, we are happy that thanks to our contribution we can support people with visual impairments to live independent and fulfilling lives.

Dogs for Life

psinazivot psinazivot

DPD redistributed support and assistance in the form of 1% of the tax to two organisations this year. One of them is the civil association Psi na život (Dogs for Life). It care about the education and training of dogs that, after successfully completing special training, become helpers for people with visual impairments. For the blind, the dog becomes a compensatory aid that replaces, supplements and supports missing or weakened vision functions. The organisation's mission is to create well-matched couples who go through life better together. The help of a four-legged partner significantly increases the autonomy and independence of a visually impaired person.

The most suitable breed for the demanding career of a guide dog is the Labrador retriever. The civil association Psi na život (Dogs for Life) also works with this breed. It cares about a playful puppy so as it becomes a confident, balanced, easy-to-manage, and well-cooperative guide dog. Thanks to the involvement in the international Service Dog Breeders Fellowship initiative it has an access to the puppies from purpose-built kennels. In the first year of life, the nature of potential furry companions and their suitability for further training are assessed. Then experts from the field of veterinary medicine evaluate their health state and condition. Only those dogs, that are suitable and ready for this difficult duty, progress to training. Training of the canine helpers isn’t only demanding and responsible, but also financially demanding work. At DPD, we are happy that thanks to our contribution we can support people with visual impairments to live independent and fulfilling lives.

Helpline for young people - “IPčko” (The IP)

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Helpline for young people - “IPčko” (The IP)

The second organisation that DPD supported with 1% of the tax in 2022 is the internet trust line for young people “IPčko” (The IP). Professional psychological and social assistance is standing by people in difficult and crisis situations since 2012. “IPčko” (The IP) consists of young, especially trained psychologists, social workers and talented students of such fields. Experts covered under the trust line are convinced that help must be given to anyone who feels confused, weak, unhappy, disappointed and alone. They follow the motto: "We do difficult but for us the most beautiful work in the world". They thus help to save the existence of people at the crossroads and convince them that life is the best choice.

Psychological help is provided by this civil association non-stop, free of charge and anonymously through the helplines IPč, the Crisis Helpline (0800 500 333) and the Good Line, as well as offline by “Káčko” (The K), the crisis services in every region of Slovakia and through the innovative low-threshold clubs “Machovisko” and “FLEK”. Thanks to financial support from DPD, “IPčko” will create a safe place for people in crisis, the “Káčko Trenčín”, and thus will ensure assistance for those whose souls hurt.

The organisation ĽudiaĽuďom

ĽudiaĽuď is the organization that was supported by DPD SK in 2020. ĽudiaĽuď is a universal online platform for donation in Slovakia based on the Internet portal of the same name with a clear database of requests that helps individuals. In general, the organization helps children and families who are in a difficult life situation. Most of them are children who need to contribute to rehabilitation, treatment, surgery, or medical aids or medical devices.

The organisation ĽudiaĽuďom

Abstell-Okay bei DPD Abstell-Okay bei DPD

ĽudiaĽuď is the organization that was supported by DPD SK in 2020. ĽudiaĽuď is a universal online platform for donation in Slovakia based on the Internet portal of the same name with a clear database of requests that helps individuals. In general, the organization helps children and families who are in a difficult life situation. Most of them are children who need to contribute to rehabilitation, treatment, surgery, or medical aids or medical devices.

Organizácia Hodina deťom


Organizácia Hodina deťom

Hodina deťom je celoročná finančná zbierka, organizovaná Nadáciou pre deti Slovenska. Je zameraná na podporu detí a mládeže, na ich rozvoj, vzdelanie a na projekty, ktoré skvalitňujú úroveň ich životov. Hodina deťom od svojho vzniku vyzbierala takmer 4,5 milióna Eur, ktoré boli venované na podporu približne 1 500 projektov. Nadácia pre deti Slovenska je jedna z najväčších neziskových mimovládnych organizácií, fungujúca od roku 1995.

DPD ako partner podporuje túto organizáciu už viac ako rok v jej cieli - byť akýmsi mostom medzi tými, čo chcú pomôcť a medzi tými, ktorí pomoc potrebujú.

Centrum hipoterapie SIBERTY

Poslaním občianskeho združenia SIBERTY, centra hipoterapie, je vykonávať špecializované činnosti v oblasti hipoterapie. Ich práca uľahčuje integráciu ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím do spoločnosti.

Centrum hipoterapie SIBERTY

csr csr

Poslaním občianskeho združenia SIBERTY, centra hipoterapie, je vykonávať špecializované činnosti v oblasti hipoterapie. Ich práca uľahčuje integráciu ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím do spoločnosti.