Dear customers,
We would like to inform you about the Christmas opening hours at DPD depots (for parcel drop-off/pick-up) in Czechia.
Opening hours from Monday 4 December to Friday 22 December: 10:00-20:00 except the depots mentioned below.
Christmas opening hours for the depots Jihlava, České Budějovice - Hraniční Street, Ostrava - Heřmanice, Ostrava - Mošnov, Otrokovice, Brno - Měnín: 9:00 – 20:00
Opening hours from 27 to 29 December 2023 are standard: 9:00 - 18:00
Weekends + holidays 25, 26/12/2023 and 1/1/2024: CLOSED.
How to receive presents under the Christmas tree on time?
How to receive presents under the Christmas tree on time?
In order to deliver a package before Christmas, the sender (typically an e-shop) needs to hand over the package to DPD for delivery no later than on Wednesday, 20 December.
The best advice is to order early. Your order must be processed by the e-shop first so that it can deliver the parcel to us by 20 December. The processing time of your order in e-shops may vary from one e-shop to another and can only be influenced by the e-shop, DPD then takes care about the delivery to your home or to one of more than 4,000 Pickup points and Pickup Boxes all over the Czech Republic and 100,000 Pickup points in Europe.