DPD France SAS

Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €18,500,000

11-13 rue René Jacques, Immeuble Vivaldi
Nanterre Trade and Companies Register: 444 420 830

General information
Director of publication: Jean-Michel Rebillard
This website is hosted by: DPD France
E-mail address: [email protected]
Intra-community VAT number: FR24 444 420 830

Server centre

The information provided on the site corresponds to DPD France's current view of the topics dealt with therein. Given the continuous evolution of the market and techniques and DPD France's constant concern to optimise its service offer, this information does not in any way constitute a commercial offer.
The content of this site is purely informative, with no guarantee of any kind.
Neither DPD France, the information provider and site designer, can be held liable for any reason whatsoever.
The user alone assumes all risks and consequences related to consultation, the accuracy of the information presented and its implementation.
It is the responsibility of users to use the information obtained in accordance with the regulations in force.
This site is a creation, and as such is protected by intellectual property laws.