Our new service: DPD PARCELBOX
Sabrina Würgler is Product Manager at DPD Switzerland and recently launched the new DPD PARCELBOX service. In this interview you can learn what makes this service special and what the added value is:

DPD: What exactly is DPD PARCELBOX and what defines this service?
Sabrina Würgler: "DPD PARCELBOX is a new service in our service portfolio which differs in weight and size from the other services. The main feature is that the parcels fit directly into the milk box.
However, the DPD PARCELBOX service is in no way less valuable than the other DPD services, because this service also includes a CHF 200.00 liability and a photo of the delivery location."
DPD: What is the added value for customers and consignees?
Sabrina Würgler: "For our customers who send parcels I would clearly say that it is an attractive service for their smaller and lighter parcels. Whenever possible, the parcels are delivered in the milk box and this way a protection is guaranteed.
For the consignees, we focus on their needs with each new service. Our aim is to make the journey to receiving a parcel as comfortable and easy as possible, in this case only as far as their own milk box.
We know from DPDgroup's E-Shopper Barometer* study that our population in this country most prefers to receive parcels at home without any inconvenience."
DPD: Which senders is the service intended for and how can it be used?
Sabrina Würgler: "Basically the new DPD PARCELBOX service is ideal and available for all senders who ship small and lighter parcels. Our business customers and all interested companies are welcome to contact us for an individual offer.
Once the contract has been successfully concluded, implementation can take place and senders can then send with DPD PARCELBOX."
DPD: What is the difference between DPD HOME and DPD PARCELBOX service?
Sabrina Würgler: "Our customers who already know the DPD HOME service know and appreciate the quality. DPD PARCELBOX is based on the same quality and is absolutely equal - only with a slightly adapted process: due to the limited sizes and weights the delivery success is very high at the first delivery attempt, as delivery can be made directly into the milk box. If the milk box is full, it is looked for a safe place and deposited there if possible.
If this is also not possible, the parcel is redirected to a nearby DPD Pickup parcelshop. There the parcel is available for collection for 7 calendar days. This is also standard with our DPD HOME service.
The consignees are informed about the progress of the parcel with written notifications via e-mail and can use the tracking at any time."
DPD: What exactly is the process of launching a new service?
Sabrina Würgler: "We have a product development team with experts from all departments. In this team, new requests / ideas are examined and processed for a service launch in project mode.
It starts, for example, with the inventory, analyses of the actual and target processes, the feasibility / testing of the technical setups, various progress reports and finally with a test shipment.
In the case of DPD PARCELBOX we very quickly found a test customer and were able to benefit from valuable experience over a period of 4 weeks. Overall, all the feedback from the test customer and his consignees was very positive.
Around a month after the test we were able to offer the service to all other customers."
DPD: What has been the response to this new service in the market?
Sabrina Würgler: "Interest in the service is steadily increasing. We have received many enquiries in response to the press release and have been able to offer the service to various customers. We are convinced that this service is competitive and an ideal addition to the DPD service portfolio for our customers."
* For this study commissioned by DPDgroup, a total of 23,255 interviews were conducted in 21 European countries between 27 May and 10 July 2019. In Switzerland, 1,000 people aged 18 and over took part in the survey. The study has given us in-depth knowledge about shopping behaviour and the shopping experience on the internet.