International shipping made easy. With DPD.

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International shipping made easy. With DPD.

With its many and varied regulations,  international shipping can quickly become a challenge. But don't worry, we’re here to help you.

We have summarised all the important information about Brexit for you.   More details   

Useful tips on international shipping

If you aren't sure whether the contents of your shipment comply with shipping regulations, it’s a good idea to talk to us in advance.

We have to return any parcels which can't be forwarded at your expense. It is possible that you may be liable for any damage which arises during the transport of shipments involving a risk.

Please note the DPD General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Transport, as well as the international regulations and import restrictions of the countries of destination.

The transport of hazardous goods in accordance with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) is excluded from our services.

In the case of shipping by international air freight, the transport of liquids and lithium batteries is restricted or even prohibited.

Useful tips on international shipping

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If you aren't sure whether the contents of your shipment comply with shipping regulations, it’s a good idea to talk to us in advance.

We have to return any parcels which can't be forwarded at your expense. It is possible that you may be liable for any damage which arises during the transport of shipments involving a risk.

Please note the DPD General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Transport, as well as the international regulations and import restrictions of the countries of destination.

The transport of hazardous goods in accordance with IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) is excluded from our services.

In the case of shipping by international air freight, the transport of liquids and lithium batteries is restricted or even prohibited.

Shipping planner: our information on international shipping

Efficient worldwide shipping – we’re experts in the field. By selecting your country of destination in our shipping planner, you will receive all important information about delivery times and country-specific import restrictions.

Výpočet časů doručení

Naše kalkulačka výpočtu času doručení vám ukáže standardní doručovací termíny, na které se můžete spolehnout při používání naší služby DPD Classic.

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ISO kód

Detailed shipping information per country

Help with the preparation and coordination of your international parcel shipments.

Export and customs information

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Export and customs information

Everything you need to know about exports to non-EU countries.

The term ‘export’ refers to the shipping of goods to countries which are not part of the European Union. In such cases the shipments must be cleared through customs when they are exported. Among other details, here you will find information on customs regulations, movement certificates, terms of delivery and commercial invoices.

e-book on “International Express shipping”

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When it comes to international shipping we are expert partners.

Find out more about products, services and shipping terms.

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Well received across borders. Our airfreight shipping

Take advantage of the benefits of our intercontinental shipping. Economical. Convenient. Secure.

Our services:

  1. All shipments and exports automatically receive ‘secured’ status (SPX by X-Ray)

  2. There are no additional costs. You don’t need to be approved as a ‘known shipper’.

  3. In addition to these security checks we also implement export declarations for you.

  4. We are certified as an approved economic operator in accordance with AEO-F (DE AEOF109351). This status is reserved for companies whose security concept has been checked by the customs authorities.

  5. We check all shipments before entrusting them to the relevant airline. They are screened and secured. As a result, within a very short time they comply fully with European and other international security standards.

In accorance with aviation security legislation, prohibited objects and hazardous goods are excluded from transport.

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