19. June 2023 | DPD REGIONAL CEE

Opportunity: Hungarian e-commerce market. 90% of e-shoppers already visit online stores from abroad

Hungary - Informational data: 

  • Population: 9,6 millions of residents

  • PIB: 14.370 euro/resident

  • Top 3 product: Shoes (53%, EU average 49%), Fashion (48%, EU 59%), Beauty/Health Care (44%, EU 48%)

One of the most interesting e-commerce markets for Romanian online stores is the one in Hungary, which can be reached very easily, at least from a logistical point of view. A parcel picked up by DPD Romania reaches its destination in two working days. As for Hungarian e-shoppers, they are very price-conscious (62%) and always looking for good deals (72%).

Benefits offered by the CEE Regional Service

DPD Romania supports partners who want to expand their business in Hungary, both with relevant information about the e-commerce market in the country, as well as with 100% territorial coverage and very useful facilities for a new start, including support dedicated in the process of integrating the online store with the DPD network.

"Detailed knowledge of regional markets brings important benefits for businesses that want to expand. DPD Romania comes with important logistics offers, so that deliveries can be made even the next day after the website has been translated into the local language", says Nadia Talpă, CCO DPD Romania.

The unique benefit package in Romania, the CEE Regional Service, for online stores that want to expand their business in Hungary includes:

The best prices on road deliveries

  • Cash on delivery in lei or forints. Payments are made weekly, every Monday, within 10 days of the parcel's delivery; CODE limit: 500,000 HUN
  • Access to the Out of Home network - one of the most important in Hungary
  • Reduced transit time - 2 days after picking up the package
  • The Predict service, a unique system in Europe for interactive delivery management, which allows recipients to know the exact 60-minute interval in which the package is delivered
  • Dedicated Support - Assigned sales agent and CS regardless of customer size
  • Relevant information about the e-commerce market in Hungary

See  full offer.

The robot portrait of the Hungarian e-shopper

The Hungarian e-shopper is young, female, lives in an urban environment and has an above-average income - these are the main characteristics that make it more special than the European e-shopper.

In numbers, women represent the majority of e-shoppers in Hungary (53%, EU 56%), the average age being 40 years (EU 42.4 years), 72% of them (EU 44%) have higher incomes than the average , and 88% (EU 86%) live in the city. Only 4% of them started shopping online in the past (EU 8%). For 62% of the population, online shopping is advantageous because it reduces the stress of shopping in traditional stores (EU 66%) and is done faster, with less time consumption (78%, EU 77%) and with lower expenses (58%, EU 63%).

Almost 3 out of 4 Hungarian e-shoppers are looking for offers

Pentru 62% dintre e-shopperii din Ungaria (UE 61%), prețul este cel mai important factor în decizia de cumpărare este prețul, în vreme ce 72% dintre ei (UE 69%) spun că sunt mereu în căutare de oferte foarte bune.

More than half of Hungarian e-shoppers buy shoes

In the first place in the list of products preferred by Hungarian e-shoppers is Footwear (53%, up by 8 points compared to the previous year; the EU average is 49%). Fashion products follow (48%, EU 59%), respectively Beauty/Health Care (44%, EU 48%).

Other important product categories that Hungarian e-shoppers prefer: Food and Beverages (43%, EU 35%), Books (37%, EU 43%), Grocery (37%, EU 34%) and Toys (36%, with an increase of 10 percent compared to the previous year, EU 29%). This is followed by products from the Leisure category (36%, EU 37%), Medicines (32%, EU 24%) and Electronics (30%, EU 29%).

E-commerce in Hungary goes through Social Media

No less than 90% of e-shoppers in Hungary (EU 70%) used social networks to shop online, and 60% (EU 48%) bought directly from social media platforms.

In particular, they turn to social media for information (52%, EU 25%), for inspiration (42%, EU 28%) or for recommendations from family or friends (29%, EU 21%).

Also, in 28% of cases (EU 18%) they happened to purchase a product that they received information about in the feed. However, only 8% of them (EU 11%) say they make online purchases on the recommendation of influencers.

77% of e-shoppers in Hungary visit online stores from abroad

77% of Hungarian e-shoppers tend to go to online stores abroad (EU 57%) where they find better deals than in Hungary (76%, EU 52%) or products and brands unavailable locally (51%, EU 52) %); for 8% (EU 13%) the fact that the respective online stores had the offer in Hungarian also mattered.

In the top foreign online stores, China (69%, EU 51%), Germany (33%, EU 29%), neighboring countries (33%, EU 44%) and the USA (30%, EU 32%) are in first place ).

DPD Hungary, our local partner

DPD Hungary delivered 13.3 million parcels last year, having an Out of Home network of 19 lockers and 428 Pick-Up Shops. It has 1 warehouse, 23 offices and 524 vehicles.

DPD Hungary customers benefit from the Predict service, thanks to which they know the 60-minute interval in which the package is delivered.