In recent years, Geopost's e-shopper barometer report has revealed the trends and behaviors of Europeans shopping online. It is the most extensive survey of e-commerce and cross-border trade ever accomplished.

Our Key Facts & Figures

Price and free shipping greatly influence the purchase decision

More and more online buyers choose delivery to fixed points (offices / lockers / partner locations)

C2C platforms are increasingly present in the consumption habits of Romanian e-shoppers

9/10 shoppers use social media channels to research and purchase products

E-shopper Barometer

This comprehensive study focuses on a range of indicators including online shopping frequency, barriers to online shopping, customer loyalty to online stores, international purchases and consumer behaviour.

As in previous years, the study reveals the behaviors of online shoppers in Romania and provides insight into future trends and prospects for the e-commerce industry.

Recurring buyers represent 54% of all Romanian e-shoppers and are responsible for 90% of the online market volume.

The results of the study helped to identify and highlight three profiles of the e-shopper:

The new e-shopper barometer is out!

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The new e-shopper barometer is out!

Discover the latest e-commerce trends in Europe.

The regular e-Shopper

Aficionado e-shopper Aficionado e-shopper

The regular e-Shopper

Regular e-shoppers are online shoppers who purchase goods from all areas at least once a month. They like to shop online because it gives them the opportunity to save time and energy. 90% of all online purchases are made by regular shoppers.

Women e-Shoppers

Restrooms-Women-Black.svg Restrooms-Women-Black.svg

Women e-Shoppers

Their average age is 41.4 years, they live in the big cities of Moldova, Muntenia, Ardeal and Bucharest. 53% of all regular e-shoppers are women. Contrary to prejudices, the purchases made by them under the impulse of the moment are less than in case of men.

The eco-selective e-shopper

Eco selective e-shopper Eco selective e-shopper

The eco-selective e-shopper

As a result of environmental awareness among the global population, 62% of e-shoppers are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products/services.