A lot happens in 30 years. And that’s how it is at DPD, too. The most important thing is the people behind the scenes, the ones working hard every day to keep things moving. We decided to get to know some of these people a little better, and you can read about it here:
1. How long have you been at DPD?
I started temping as a warehouse worker at DPD on 1 March 2010. On 15 November 2010, I was then officially taken on.
2. What is it like for you as a woman working in a male-dominated industry?
To be honest, it’s perfect. There’s not much to say, except that it all boils down to direct communication and mutual respect. From the very start, I was accepted and appreciated by both my male and female colleagues. We support each other. As the saying goes, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
3. Tell us about the most important milestones during your career at DPD.
In short, I spent my first six years in the warehouse. After that, I worked in the dispatcher team for three years, before moving to the OPS Excellence team two years ago. From the outset, I wanted develop and have had the opportunity to do so. I have been very happy at DPD until now.
4. What would you say was more difficult for you as a woman compared to what your male colleagues experience?
I’ve never had any problems. I’m lucky that everyone has been really nice. In the warehouse, there are parcels that are particularly heavy for a woman to carry, and I always got help right away.
5. Would you say that women have a harder time being accepted in today’s working world?
To be honest, I can’t say that’s the case because I’ve never had that experience.
6. What has been your best moment at DPD so far?
It’s always a great feeling when your colleagues and bosses tell you that you’re doing a good job. If I had to pick out one particular moment, it would be moving to the OPS Excellence team. That was something really special for me. It’s wonderful that others have recognised my potential and made it possible for me to join this team.
7. How do you spend your time outside of work?
I spend it with my nephew and two nieces. They are my three little treasures. Otherwise, I go on lots of walks and cycle. This always helps me to recharge and keep my energy levels up.
8. What are you grateful for?
I’m grateful that I’m healthy and that I’m the person I am. I’m grateful that I can give something back to the people around me, have a wonderful family and a great job. I’m grateful for many things, but don’t have the space to list them all here.
9. What advice would you give to the women and girls in this world?
Be yourself. You’re a strong woman and you’re great the way you are. Follow your dreams and go your own way – no matter if those around you say otherwise.
You’re a strong woman!
Whether you’re laughing, crying, struggling, sleeping, working or simply getting by, you’re great – never forget it!