12. April 2022 | Background

Our customer service now also speaks Spanish!

With CXB Partner S.A.U, DPD Switzerland has set up a new subsidiary in Spain. The final plans are currently being made for the official launch in May 2022. Let’s take a closer look and find out what’s going on.

DPD: Who is CXB?

Marco Kaiser: ‘CXB is an independent subsidiary of DPD Switzerland. We benefit from the stability of the parent company, enjoy all the advantages of Mallorca and offer a unique working atmosphere.’

DPD: What does CXB do?

Marco Kaiser: ‘The core of what we do is supporting our customers’ activities. Along with customer services, we support and advise companies in setting up and running customer experience programmes.’

palma de mallorca cxb

DPD: Where is CXB based?

Marco Kaiser: ‘Our office is right in the heart of Palma de Mallorca. The central location in Palma was very important, as it enables us to offer our employees real benefit throughout the year. We firmly believe that passionate employees can pass on this benefit to our recipients and customers.’

DPD: Why is CXB based in Mallorca?

Marco Kaiser: ‘We want to offer our employees a unique working atmosphere, not just combining work and fun, but also life. CXB is intentionally different, but still retains Swiss quality. Mallorca is also one of the top destinations for the German-speaking world and is easily accessible throughout the entire year.’

cxb in born

DPD: Where did the idea come from?

Marco Kaiser: ‘We want to combine Swiss quality with the laid-back Spanish way of life. Along with people already living in Spain, we want to give young people in particular the chance to work abroad and also learn Spanish.’

DPD: What is the motto of CXB?

Marco Kaiser: ‘People are our passion and we love to inspire them… CXB is different, CXB is excellence born in Born!’

palma de mallorca cxb

Stay tuned: follow CXB on social media


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cxb mallorca kundendienst

Written by:

jasmine zurbuchen

Jasmine Zurbuchen

Teamleader Customer Engagement
