To what Pickup location will my parcel be delivered?

As a rule we deliver your parcel to a DPD Pickup location near you. With a nationwide pickup network of 2,800 parcel drop-off and pickup points throughout Austria, each of our parcel shops/lockers can be reached within 15 minutes.

You can find your Pickup point quickly and easily in our Pickup Finder.

Did you know? You can now specify your favourite parcel shop on myDPD. Then we will always deliver your parcels there.

Register now and specify your favourite shop!

The fact that we have delivered your parcel to a Pickup point can have different reasons:

  • The shipper has commissioned us to deliver the parcel there.
  • On myDPD you have indicated the Pickup parcel shop as your preferred shop.
  • Unfortunately we were unable to locate you at home. In this case, we would still like to make sure that your parcel is in a parcel shop/parcel locker near you, where you can pick it up during opening hours. You can find out to which Pickup point your parcel was delivered on myDPD in our electronic parcel information, or on the parcel notification card we left at your address.