To redirect your parcel to a Pickup parcelshop or to have it delivered on another day, please register with myDPD. There you can simply redirect your parcel in the \"My parcels\" section.
You can use the parcel number or the PIN number for tracking and/or redirecting your parcel.
The parcel number is a 14-digit number that is assigned only once for each parcel and is therefore uniquely allocated to the parcel. You can find it as a myDPD user in \"My parcels\" or receive it from your shipper.
You will find the PIN number on the parcel notification card (red-white) which we leave behind when we have not found you. If the shipper gives us your email address, you will receive the parcel information including the parcel number electronically. Electronic parcel number
If you have purchased a parcel label in a DPD Pickup parcelshop, you will find the parcel number on the invoice which is issued.