Fuel surcharge

  • Fuel surcharge is calculated as follows: diesel fuel cost rate (average diesel fuel retail price of previous month compared the diesel base price) is multiplied by the coefficient 0.40* and the result is added to the fuel surcharge base of 0.00%. Coefficient reflects the effect of fuel retail price changes on the price of products and services.

  • DPD announces the fuel surcharge on its website no later than on the third working day of the current month. Fuel surcharge is added to the net amount of the service invoice (amount without VAT).

  • Base price of diesel fuel: EUR 1.039 / litre (Circkle K Eesti), corresponding to a fuel surcharge base of 0.00%. 

  • The minimum fuel surcharge is 23%.

  • DPD reserves the right to change the basis for calculating the fuel surcharge without further notice.




October 2024


September 2024


August 2024


July 2024


June 2024


May 2024



October 2024


September 2024


August 2024


July 2024


June 2024


May 2024


Labor surcharge

Methodology of calculating the labour force charge:

  • The basis for the labour force charge is the average gross salary in the transport and warehousing sector as calculated by Statistics Estonia.

  • The average gross salary in the transport and warehousing sector as of 1 January 2016 was €1,061 (base amount).

  • The average gross salary in the transport and warehousing sector in the II quarter of 2022 was €1,643.

  • The average gross salary in the transport and warehousing sector in the IV quarter of 2022 was €1,723.

  • Calculation of labour force charge: percentage changes in the average gross salary in the transport and warehousing sector compared to the base amount multiplied by a coefficient of 0.4*

*The coefficient reflects the calculated share of labour costs in the cost structure of DPD Eesti AS.

  • The labour force charge starting from 1.10.2022 is fixed at 21,95%.

  • The labour force charge starting from 1.04.2023 is fixed at 24,96%.

  • The labour force charge applies to all services and extra services purchased by the clients of DPD Eesti AS. The amount is added to the net amount of the service invoice (amount without value added tax).

  • DPD reserves the right to change the basis for calculating the labour force charge without providing further advance notice thereof.

Energy and CPI surcharge

Methodology of calculating the energy and CPI surcharge:

  • Surcharge for energy carriers and the consumer price index (CPI): this surcharge reflects changes in the price of energy carriers and consumer prices.

  • DPD announces the Energy and CPI surcharge on its website no later than on the third working day of the current month.

  • Changes are taken into account as follows:

  • Calculation of the consumer price index surcharge par: Percentage change in the CPI compared to the base rate which is multiplied by a coefficient of 0.6.

  • The CPI surcharge is calculated on the basis of the latest CPI published at the time of calculation.

  • The coefficient reflects the estimated impact of a CPI change on the price of a product or service.

  • CPI: 297 (base rate for March 2024) Source: Statistics Estonia.

  • Calculation of the energy carriers surcharge share: change in the price of diesel; biodiesel, gas and electricity compared to the previous period (average price during the month preceding the provision of the transport service compared to the base price; March.2024). The share of a specific energy carrier is calculated on the basis of the proportion of the total distance travelled with that energy carrier in Estonian transport.

  • The total rate of change is multiplied by a coefficient of 0.4*.

  • The coefficient reflects the estimated impact of a change in the price of energy carriers on the price of a product or service.

  • Sources of energy prices of energy carriers:

  • Diesel fuel: European Commission statistics; electricity: NordPool; biogas: Eesti Gaas; biodiesel: Neste;

  • DPD Eesti AS: distances travelled by electric, gas and diesel vehicles. The relevant shares are updated up to four times a year and these calculations apply to both domestic and international transport prices.

  • The combined result is added to the surcharge base of 0.00%.

  • The energy and CPI surcharge applies to services and extra services purchased by the customers of DPD Eesti AS. The amount is added to the net amount of the service invoice (amount without value added tax).

  • The rate of change of any factor cannot be negative. In the event of a negative change, an effect of 0 is applied to the respective value.

  • DPD reserves the right to change the basis for calculating the energy surcharge without providing further advance notice thereof.


Energy and CPI surcharge 2024


October 2024


September 2024



October 2024


September 2024


Charges for delivery to remote areas and islands

  • In addition to the Transport Price, in the case of small Estonian islands, the surcharge 9 € for shipments and 25 € for pallets.

Pricing for oversized pallets and consignments requiring special handling

A special handling fee is added to the transportation price for oversized pallets and consignments requiring special handling. Overview of the pricing policies and consignments requiring special handling: