The DPD parcelshop network is accessible throughout Europe. We are steadily increasing the number of parcelshops in Hungary so that you can send or pick up your parcels quickly and easily.

Parcelshops throughout Europe

DPDgroup is Europe's largest parcel delivery network. It has more than 100 000 parcel shops for fast and efficient sending of parcels. An advanced information network and mutually harmonised services make sending parcels simpler than ever.

Parcelshops throughout Europe

Europakarte Europakarte

DPDgroup is Europe's largest parcel delivery network. It has more than 100 000 parcel shops for fast and efficient sending of parcels. An advanced information network and mutually harmonised services make sending parcels simpler than ever.

Discover the services on offer in our parcelshops

Discover the services on offer in our parcelshops


Flexible sending and pickup
No need to wait for the courier. Send your parcel any time from the parcelshop nearest to you. If you are receiving, you have 5 days to make the pickup.

Click & Collect

Send parcels within Hungary and abroad
Parcels weighing up to 20 kg may be sent using the DPD Express (door-to-door service with guaranteed next day delivery attempt) service.


Parcelshops open at weekends
Parcelshops are typically located in shopping centres or other busy locations, and so they are open at the weekend.

Kalender -DPD- Alexa

Redirecting to a parcelshop
Can't be at the delivery address at the time given? Direct your parcel to a parcelshop near you and collect it at your convenience.

Our prices in parcelshops and depots

Send parcels with DPD!

Sending parcels from Parcelshop to home:

Parcel weight (kg)

DPD Express 

Gross price (Ft)

0,01-3,00 kg

2 030 Ft

3,01-5,00 kg

2 390 Ft

5,01-10,00 kg

2 600 Ft

10,01-15,00 kg

2 850 Ft

15,01-20,00 kg

2 940 Ft

Parcel weight (kg)

0,01-3,00 kg

Parcel weight (kg)

3,01-5,00 kg

Parcel weight (kg)

5,01-10,00 kg

Parcel weight (kg)

10,01-15,00 kg

Parcel weight (kg)

15,01-20,00 kg

DPD Express 

Gross price (Ft)

2 030 Ft

2 390 Ft

2 600 Ft

2 850 Ft

2 940 Ft

Sending parcels from Parcelshop to Parcelshop:

Parcel weight (kg)

DPD Express

Ungekühlte, lagerfähige Lebensmittel (1,2,3)

Gross fee (Ft)

0,01-3,00 kg

1 530 Ft

3,01-5,00 kg

1 790 Ft

5,01-10,00 kg

1 950 Ft

10,01-15,00 kg

2 130 Ft

15,01-20,00 kg

2 210 Ft

DPD Express

Ungekühlte, lagerfähige Lebensmittel (1,2,3)

Gross fee (Ft)

0,01-3,00 kg

1 530 Ft

3,01-5,00 kg

1 790 Ft

5,01-10,00 kg

1 950 Ft

10,01-15,00 kg

2 130 Ft

15,01-20,00 kg

2 210 Ft

Sending parcels via PickApp application:


maximum 1 kg;

7,5x18x37 cm


maximum 3 kg;

14x19x56 cm


maximum 10 kg;

25x35x56 cm


maximum 20 kg;

40x43x56 cm


maximum 31,5 kg;

65x43x56 cm

From Home to Home

2 490 Ft

2 890 Ft3 290 Ft3 590 Ft4 690 Ft

From Home to Parcelshop

2 030 Ft2 390 Ft2 600 Ft2 850 Ft-

From Parcelshop to Home

2 030 Ft2 390 Ft2 600 Ft2 850 Ft-

From Parcelshop to Parcelshop

1 530 Ft

1 790 Ft

1 950 Ft2 130 Ft-


maximum 1 kg;

7,5x18x37 cm

From Home to Home

2 490 Ft

From Home to Parcelshop

2 030 Ft

From Parcelshop to Home

2 030 Ft

From Parcelshop to Parcelshop

1 530 Ft


maximum 3 kg;

14x19x56 cm

From Home to Home

2 890 Ft

From Home to Parcelshop

2 390 Ft

From Parcelshop to Home

2 390 Ft

From Parcelshop to Parcelshop

1 790 Ft


maximum 10 kg;

25x35x56 cm

From Home to Home

3 290 Ft

From Home to Parcelshop

2 600 Ft

From Parcelshop to Home

2 600 Ft

From Parcelshop to Parcelshop

1 950 Ft


maximum 20 kg;

40x43x56 cm

From Home to Home

3 590 Ft

From Home to Parcelshop

2 850 Ft

From Parcelshop to Home

2 850 Ft

From Parcelshop to Parcelshop

2 130 Ft


maximum 31,5 kg;

65x43x56 cm

From Home to Home

4 690 Ft

From Home to Parcelshop


From Parcelshop to Home


From Parcelshop to Parcelshop


Send your parcels with DPD!

Sending parcels from Parcelshop:

From parcelshop
to home


DPD prices (International)

XS - maximum 1 kg;

S - maximum 3 kg;

M - maximum 10 kg;

L - maximum 20 kg;

Austria4 520 Ft6 010 Ft7 930 Ft10 490 Ft
Slovakia3 080 Ft3 940 Ft4 940 Ft6 350 Ft
Germany4 380 Ft6 070 Ft8 470 Ft11 550 Ft
Czech Republic3 360 Ft4 600 Ft6 330 Ft8 550 Ft
Poland2 870 Ft5 050 Ft8 160 Ft11 890 Ft
Romania2 600 Ft3 590 Ft5 050 Ft6 890 Ft
Bulgaria2 650 Ft3 840 Ft5 680 Ft7 980 Ft
Croatia4 460 Ft5 320 Ft7 450 Ft8 700 Ft
Belgium5 130 Ft6 680 Ft8 240 Ft10 640 Ft
Netherland4 570 Ft6 030 Ft8 030 Ft10 930 Ft
Slovenia5 270 Ft6 190 Ft8 980 Ft10 290 Ft
Denmark5 740 Ft7 260 Ft9 150 Ft11 830 Ft
France6 190 Ft7 810 Ft10 220 Ft13 990 Ft
Estonia6 010 Ft7 440 Ft9 650 Ft13 180 Ft
Latvia4 370 Ft6 340 Ft8 540 Ft12 820 Ft
Sweden6 740 Ft8 610 Ft10 460 Ft12 980 Ft
Ireland4 920 Ft6 940 Ft9 910 Ft13 260 Ft
Italy5 450 Ft7 370 Ft9 560 Ft12 310 Ft
Lithuania4 000 Ft5 030 Ft7 180 Ft11 140 Ft
Spain5 300 Ft7 490 Ft10 940 Ft15 900 Ft
Finland9 950 Ft11 970 Ft16 460 Ft20 560 Ft

From parcelshop to parcelshop

DPD Prices (International)

XS - maximum 1 kg;

S - maximum 3 kg;

M - maximum 10 kg;

L - maximum 20 kg;

Austria3 640 Ft4 830 Ft6 360 Ft8 410 Ft
Slovakia2 480 Ft3 170 Ft3 970 Ft5 100 Ft
Germany3 530 Ft4 880 Ft6 800 Ft9 260 Ft
Czech Republic2 710 Ft3 700 Ft5 090 Ft6 860 Ft
Poland2 320 Ft4 060 Ft6 550 Ft9 530 Ft
Romania2 100 Ft2 890 Ft4 060 Ft5 530 Ft
Bulgaria2 140 Ft3 090 Ft4 570 Ft6 410 Ft
Croatia3 590 Ft4 280 Ft5 980 Ft6 980 Ft
Belgium4 120 Ft5 360 Ft6 610 Ft8 540 Ft
Netherland3 680 Ft4 840 Ft6 450 Ft8 770 Ft
Slovenia4 240 Ft4 970 Ft7 200 Ft8 260 Ft
Denmark4 610 Ft5 830 Ft7 340 Ft9 480 Ft
France4 970 Ft6 270 Ft8 200 Ft11 220 Ft
Estonia4 830 Ft5 980 Ft7 740 Ft10 560 Ft
Latvia3 510 Ft5 090 Ft6 850 Ft10 280 Ft
Sweden5 420 Ft6 910 Ft8 390 Ft10 410 Ft
Ireland3 960 Ft5 570 Ft7 950 Ft10 630 Ft
Italy4 380 Ft5 910 Ft7 670 Ft9 870 Ft
Lithuania3 220 Ft4 040 Ft5 760 Ft8 930 Ft
Spain4 260 Ft6 020 Ft8 770 Ft12 740 Ft
Finland7 980 Ft9 600 Ft13 190 Ft16 070 Ft

From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 

Czech Republic

From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 

From parcelshopto home 

From parcelshop to parcelshop

From parcelshopto home 

From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 

Czech Republic

From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


From parcelshopto home 


DPD prices (International)

XS - maximum 1 kg;

4 520 Ft3 080 Ft4 380 Ft3 360 Ft2 870 Ft2 600 Ft2 650 Ft4 460 Ft5 130 Ft4 570 Ft5 270 Ft5 740 Ft6 190 Ft6 010 Ft4 370 Ft6 740 Ft4 920 Ft5 450 Ft4 000 Ft5 300 Ft9 950 Ft

DPD Prices (International)

XS - maximum 1 kg;

3 640 Ft2 480 Ft3 530 Ft2 710 Ft2 320 Ft2 100 Ft2 140 Ft3 590 Ft4 120 Ft3 680 Ft4 240 Ft4 610 Ft4 970 Ft4 830 Ft3 510 Ft5 420 Ft3 960 Ft4 380 Ft3 220 Ft4 260 Ft7 980 Ft

S - maximum 3 kg;

6 010 Ft3 940 Ft6 070 Ft4 600 Ft5 050 Ft3 590 Ft3 840 Ft5 320 Ft6 680 Ft6 030 Ft6 190 Ft7 260 Ft7 810 Ft7 440 Ft6 340 Ft8 610 Ft6 940 Ft7 370 Ft5 030 Ft7 490 Ft11 970 Ft

S - maximum 3 kg;

4 830 Ft3 170 Ft4 880 Ft3 700 Ft4 060 Ft2 890 Ft3 090 Ft4 280 Ft5 360 Ft4 840 Ft4 970 Ft5 830 Ft6 270 Ft5 980 Ft5 090 Ft6 910 Ft5 570 Ft5 910 Ft4 040 Ft6 020 Ft9 600 Ft

M - maximum 10 kg;

7 930 Ft4 940 Ft8 470 Ft6 330 Ft8 160 Ft5 050 Ft5 680 Ft7 450 Ft8 240 Ft8 030 Ft8 980 Ft9 150 Ft10 220 Ft9 650 Ft8 540 Ft10 460 Ft9 910 Ft9 560 Ft7 180 Ft10 940 Ft16 460 Ft

M - maximum 10 kg;

6 360 Ft3 970 Ft6 800 Ft5 090 Ft6 550 Ft4 060 Ft4 570 Ft5 980 Ft6 610 Ft6 450 Ft7 200 Ft7 340 Ft8 200 Ft7 740 Ft6 850 Ft8 390 Ft7 950 Ft7 670 Ft5 760 Ft8 770 Ft13 190 Ft

L - maximum 20 kg;

10 490 Ft6 350 Ft11 550 Ft8 550 Ft11 890 Ft6 890 Ft7 980 Ft8 700 Ft10 640 Ft10 930 Ft10 290 Ft11 830 Ft13 990 Ft13 180 Ft12 820 Ft12 980 Ft13 260 Ft12 310 Ft11 140 Ft15 900 Ft20 560 Ft

L - maximum 20 kg;

8 410 Ft5 100 Ft9 260 Ft6 860 Ft9 530 Ft5 530 Ft6 410 Ft6 980 Ft8 540 Ft8 770 Ft8 260 Ft9 480 Ft11 220 Ft10 560 Ft10 280 Ft10 410 Ft10 630 Ft9 870 Ft8 930 Ft12 740 Ft16 070 Ft

Sending parcels via PickApp application:

From home to home

XS - max 1 kg;


S - max. 3 kg;


M - max. 10 kg;


L - max. 20 kg;


XL - max. 31,5 kg


Tariff zone 1.5 630 Ft7 560 Ft9 880 Ft14 840 Ft23 230 Ft
Tariff zone 2.6 560 Ft8 320 Ft6 150 Ft13 640 Ft19 010 Ft
Tariff zone 3.8 400 Ft10 740 Ft10 560 Ft17 470 Ft25 820 Ft
Tariff zone 4.12 410 Ft14 940 Ft7 890 Ft25 670 Ft36 550 Ft

XS - max 1 kg;


Tariff zone 1.5 630 Ft
Tariff zone 2.6 560 Ft
Tariff zone 3.8 400 Ft
Tariff zone 4.12 410 Ft

S - max. 3 kg;


Tariff zone 1.7 560 Ft
Tariff zone 2.8 320 Ft
Tariff zone 3.10 740 Ft
Tariff zone 4.14 940 Ft

M - max. 10 kg;


Tariff zone 1.9 880 Ft
Tariff zone 2.6 150 Ft
Tariff zone 3.10 560 Ft
Tariff zone 4.7 890 Ft

L - max. 20 kg;


Tariff zone 1.14 840 Ft
Tariff zone 2.13 640 Ft
Tariff zone 3.17 470 Ft
Tariff zone 4.25 670 Ft

XL - max. 31,5 kg


Tariff zone 1.23 230 Ft
Tariff zone 2.19 010 Ft
Tariff zone 3.25 820 Ft
Tariff zone 4.36 550 Ft

From home to Parcelshop / From Parcelshop to Home

XS - max 1 kg;


S - max. 3 kg;


M - max. 10 kg;


L - max. 20 kg;


Tariff zone 1.4 520 Ft6 070 Ft8 470 Ft11 890 Ft
Tariff zone 2.5 270 Ft6 680 Ft8 980 Ft10 930 Ft
Tariff zone 3.6 740 Ft8 610 Ft10 460 Ft13 990 Ft
Tariff zone 4.9 950 Ft11 970 Ft16 460 Ft20 560 Ft

Tariff zone 1.

Tariff zone 2.

Tariff zone 1.

Tariff zone 3.

Tariff zone 1.

Tariff zone 4.

XS - max 1 kg;


4 520 Ft5 270 Ft6 740 Ft9 950 Ft

S - max. 3 kg;


6 070 Ft6 680 Ft8 610 Ft11 970 Ft

M - max. 10 kg;


8 470 Ft8 980 Ft10 460 Ft16 460 Ft

L - max. 20 kg;


11 890 Ft10 930 Ft13 990 Ft20 560 Ft
From Parcelshop to Parcelshop

XS - max 1 kg;


S - max. 3 kg;


M - max. 10 kg;


L - max. 20 kg;


Tariff 1.3 640 Ft4 830 Ft6 360 Ft8 410 Ft
Tariff 2.2 480 Ft3 170 Ft3 970 Ft5 100 Ft
Tariff 3.3 530 Ft4 880 Ft6 800 Ft9 260 Ft
Tariff 4.2 710 Ft3 700 Ft5 090 Ft6 860 Ft

Tariff 1.

Tariff 2.

Tariff 1.

Tariff 3.

Tariff 1.

Tariff 4.

XS - max 1 kg;


3 640 Ft2 480 Ft3 530 Ft2 710 Ft

S - max. 3 kg;


4 830 Ft3 170 Ft4 880 Ft3 700 Ft

M - max. 10 kg;


6 360 Ft3 970 Ft6 800 Ft5 090 Ft

L - max. 20 kg;


8 410 Ft5 100 Ft9 260 Ft6 860 Ft

Tariff zones



Germany (2-3)

Austria (1-2)

Slovakia (1-2)

Czech Republic (2-3)

Poland (3)

Romania (2)
Croatia (1-2)
Slovenia (1-2)
Switzerland* (4-5)
Netherland (3-4)
Belgium (3-4)

France (4)
Bulgaria (3)
Estonia (4-5)
Irelans (5)
Sweden (4-5)
Latvia (6)
Denmark (4)
Luxembourg (3-4)
Italy (3-4)
United Kingdom* (4-5)
Lithuania (4-5)

Norway* (4-5)
Finland (4-5)
Serbia* (5-6)
Greece** (3)
Spain (4-5)
Portugal (4-5)
Bosnia-Herzegovina* (5-6

* for countries marked with an asterisk, the delivery time may be extended by the customs clearance time


Germany (2-3)

Austria (1-2)

Slovakia (1-2)

Czech Republic (2-3)

Poland (3)


* for countries marked with an asterisk, the delivery time may be extended by the customs clearance time


Romania (2)
Croatia (1-2)
Slovenia (1-2)
Switzerland* (4-5)
Netherland (3-4)
Belgium (3-4)


France (4)
Bulgaria (3)
Estonia (4-5)
Irelans (5)
Sweden (4-5)
Latvia (6)
Denmark (4)
Luxembourg (3-4)
Italy (3-4)
United Kingdom* (4-5)
Lithuania (4-5)


Norway* (4-5)
Finland (4-5)
Serbia* (5-6)
Greece** (3)
Spain (4-5)
Portugal (4-5)
Bosnia-Herzegovina* (5-6

csomagpont partner 2

Become a parcelshop!



  1. Add this service and gain more customers, access new target groups!

  2. No investment costs. DPD provides the equipment.

  3. Your shop will be part of the international DPD parcelshop network.

  4. DPD provides background support for running the parcelshop.

csomagpont partner 2

Authorisation to pickup a parcel at a parcel point