11 September 2017 | Press release

DPD to double parcel capacity in new premises

Investment in a hypermodern sorting machine 

Best, 11 September 2017 – Parcel service DPD is going to double its parcel processing capacity at its new Dutch headquarters in the Eindhoven region. In order to respond to the increased growth in the e-commerce market, the company is investing in an ultra-modern new sorter: the “LS-4000 CB sorter”. Also referred to as “the green sorter”, this machine is manufactured by the BEUMER Group and offers a maximum processing capacity of 50,000 parcels an hour.

DPD's new headquarters, 'HUB Eindhoven', will open at the start of 2019. The hub will operate around the clock and cover some 23,000 square metres. It will offer DPD and its customers direct access to the most important highway networks in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. In short, the most ideal location for modern logistics in this region.

“We are always looking for new ways to better serve our customers and deliver parcels faster. Our investment in the new sorting system is perfectly in line with our growth strategy for the Dutch market. This innovative system will soon form the beating heart of our new premises in Eindhoven. More specifically, this will mean more than a doubling of our current capacity in Best, as a result of which we will be able to provide our customers with an even better and faster parcel delivery service. At the end of the day, that's what it’s all about.”

Eric Dietz, CEO at DPD

The purchase of the sorting machine also marks the start for DPD of a 10-year partnership with manufacturer of intralogistics solutions the BEUMER Group. They will supply and install the new sorter, and be responsible for its maintenance. DPD has chosen the BEUMER Group because of its worldwide position in the areas of transport, packaging, sorting and distribution. The sorter has been decisive in the design chosen for the new premises. The purchase of the sorter was thus completed at an earlier stage of the process.