27 June 2018 | Press release

DPDgroup reduces its carbon emissions 11.2%

Parcel shipping company DPDgroup delivered 1.1 billion carbon-neutral shipments and is thus 1st on the European voluntary offset market. DPDgroup is also making progress in the area of emissions. Because the volume of parcels grew by 10% in 2017, the parcel shipping service was able to maintain its active CO2 emissions reduction programme. CO2emissions fell by 1.6% compared with 2016, and by 11.2% compared with 2013. In 2017, the DPDgroup achieved its next aim of reducing CO2 through a Science-based Targets initiative. The development of innovative services also helped reduce emissions, for example Predict, which reduces last mile emissions by 4%.

Carbon neutral deliveries at no extra cost

DPDgroup is committed to providing all its customers with carbon-neutral parcel shipping at no extra cost. DPDgroup’s carbon neutral commitment is part of the DrivingChangeTM programme and relies on three interrelated principles:

  • Measuring closely its own CO2 footprint
  • Reducing its own emissions supported by an internal carbon fund, using alternative fuel vehicles and fuel-efficient driving, optimising routes and maximising load capacity of the fleet. Moreover, the addition of 2000 vehicles complying with Euro 6 norm reduced the average age of the fleet to less than 5 years.
  • Offsetting through investments in 7 renewable and clean energy projects which are verified by the most rigorous standards on the market.

“As a delivery expert, our actions are designed to be the most efficient possible in the interest of our customers. We therefore focus on initiatives where we can make the biggest difference and support key changes in our society. To support of urban logistics projects, all European business units began building tailored urban logistics schemes, by adopting new urban locations and opting for low carbon transport alternatives. This is a crucial step towards contributing even more to reducing pollution and congestion in city centres. And we are finding that our customers don’t need to pay anything extra for this."

Eric Dietz, CEO DPD Nederland

DPDgroup leads the world in the CEP sector where voluntary CO2 offsetting is involved. This is good for almost 5% of all CO2 emissions that are voluntarily offset in Europe. The DPDgroup Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2017 is available at www.dpdgroupdrivingchange.com