26 January 2021 | News

DPD concludes partnership with RIEC Taskforce against crime undermining society

Reducing vulnerability together

DPD will take another step in protecting its business processes from crime that undermines society. Therefore, DPD signed the partnership covenant with the Brabant-Zeeland RIEC Taskforce. RIEC stands for Regional Information and Expertise Centre. Together, they will take steps to fight the distribution of illegal goods, including parcels containing illicit drugs, via parcel delivery services. The covenant was signed by Eric Dietz, CEO DPD Nederland and Ms M. de Vries, Mayor of Etten-Leur and Mr A. Ederveen, Mayor of Valkenswaard, on behalf of the Brabant-Zeeland RIEC Taskforce. These two Mayors are the administrative coordinators of the Strong Mail and Parcel Delivery Services of the Brabant-Zeeland RIEC Taskforce.

 Distributing illegal goods, including parcels containing illicit drugs, via parcel delivery services is a problem of society at large. DPD has already taken several measures to make its business processes stronger to face abuse by criminal organisations. The partnership with the RIEC Taskforce will contribute to further bolstering DPD’s strength in this respect. For example, extra measures are taken to intercept parcels containing illicit drugs and to make the transport of parcels more secure. Consider increasing know-how among our staff members about parcels containing drugs, checking parcels by using sniffer dogs and scanners and collaborating in incidents.

"It is important that we enter into this partnership. Criminals abusing our services is something you really don’t want to happen. Thanks to our excellent security protocol and the collaboration with many different institutions, such as local authorities, the police, the public prosecution service, tax and customs administration and provincial authorities, we are able to provide the best possible guarantees. By joining forces, we can learn from one another, so that we can come up with innovative solutions and harmonise activities. That way, not only can we minimise the negative effects for our company, but also for society", said Eric Dietz on behalf of DPD Nederland.

In their activities, criminals often use the services of decent companies. Of course, those companies can make some money by selling them those services, but in the long run, they can get into serious trouble. Fortunately, DPD acknowledges this hazard. This way, the government and the business community together stand up against crime”, said Mayor De Vries.

"Crime that undermines society is a problem that cannot be tackled by the government alone; businesses and sectors also play a major role in this. Therefore, I am highly pleased with this first step in the partnership with this major player in the mail and parcel delivery industry”, said Mayor Ederveen. 

Strong Mail and Parcel Services Project
The conclusion of the partnership covenant is the result of the Mail and Parcel Delivery Services Project that the Brabant-Zeeland RIEC Taskforce realizes within the Strong Society programme. The purpose is to strengthen public private partnerships and to start a movement to stop society from being undermined by crime.

About the Brabant-Zeeland RIEC Taskforce
This taskforce is a partnership between government bodies in the fight against crimes that undermine society. In this form of crime, legitimate society becomes intertwined with the underworld. For their activities, criminals depend on legal structures, facilities and legitimate industries, such as the mail and parcel delivery industry.