21 July 2021 | News

DPD goes for Bewust Bezorgd

It’s not easy to calculate how much CO2 is emitted for the delivery one parcel. This depends on the size of the parcel and the distance that has to be travelled. The type of transport and the number of parcels in the delivery van also play a role. The 'Bewust Bezorgd' tool can make these calculations for each parcel, allowing the customer to choose the most environmentally friendly option.

In cooperation with Thuiswinkel.org DPD is preparing to participate in Bewust Bezorgd (Consciously Delivered). This will enable our customers to make environmentally conscious choices. If you choose the delivery option with the Bewust Bezorgd logo at the webshop check-out, your order will be delivered as sustainably as possible.

To calculate the footprint of a delivery, 'Bewust Bezorgd' uses key figures from DPD. This makes it possible to map out exactly where the depots are located, to which address the parcel has to be delivered and what means of transport is used. We expect to integrate 'Bewust Bezorgd' into our systems in the fourth quarter of this year.