Yesterday at the Parcel + Post Expo 2021 in Vienna, Jorin Aardoom, Data & Innovation Manager at DPD, was presented with the Parcel & Postal Technology International award 2021 in the Last Mile Delivery Innovation category. DPD Netherlands won this award for its innovative app, DPDrivR. The jury, made up of CEOs and directors of post & parcel services global, could choose from around 100 entries. In the Last Mile Delivery Innovation category, DPD was competing against firms such as Rakuten Super Logistics, Paztir & Citkar.
DPDrivR app
The DPDrivR app enables parcel delivery employees to see directly their individual performance on a daily basis, focusing particularly on delivery performance and customer reviews. Through gamification, DPD motivates the delivery employees to continuously improve their performance. With this, DPD allows the delivery employees to develop from a positive and motivating approach through game elements. They can score points and earn medals by achieving certain levels of performance, for example by reaching the magical limit of 10,000 kilometers driven for DPD. Thanks to the app, the delivery employee knows better than ever before what is expected about the delivery performance and is immediately able to improve this performance. It's also extremely motivating to receive positive feedback and not only to hear when things go wrong.
Increased parcels
The COVID pandemic has generated a huge increase in the number of parcels that have to be delivered each day. This increased workload requires continuous improvements and solutions around the delivery process. DPD is convinced that DPDrivR can make a valuable contribution to this.
Eric Dietz, CEO DPD Nederland: ‘We are extremely proud to be awarded this fantastic international award. There were so many good entries, and it is an honour for us that a professional jury voted our entry the best. We have worked extremely hard on developing the app and winning such an award is a crowning achievement. The DPDrivR app helps to motivate our delivery employees in a positive way to keep improving their delivery performance, also by making the positive customer experiences transparent to them. I would like to emphasise again that during the past year our delivery employees have had to deal with a huge increase in the volume of parcels needing to be delivered. We are very proud of the way they have dealt with this ongoing peak, and we thank them for their enormous dedication and hard work.’
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