Safecall is a completely independent company that operates a confidential reporting service for many global companies and is available 24 hours a day.

Safecall system for reporting irregularities

Safecall is an anonymous hotline for reporting irregularities, and online reporting for reporting irregularities, and online reporting allows employees to speak up and report their problems. Safecall employees are highly qualifies professional experts.

The offices are located in the United Kingdom and are available 24/7 365 days a year by freephone on 0800 222 847 or via the website

Safecall can access the information you provide through the whistleblowing system to check whether the information is complete and to request additional information from you if necessary.

Any information you provide through Safecall's whistleblowing platform, such as your identity or information related to your report, is strictly confifential and protected.

Safecall system for reporting irregularities

Speak up Speak up

Safecall is an anonymous hotline for reporting irregularities, and online reporting for reporting irregularities, and online reporting allows employees to speak up and report their problems. Safecall employees are highly qualifies professional experts.

The offices are located in the United Kingdom and are available 24/7 365 days a year by freephone on 0800 222 847 or via the website

Safecall can access the information you provide through the whistleblowing system to check whether the information is complete and to request additional information from you if necessary.

Any information you provide through Safecall's whistleblowing platform, such as your identity or information related to your report, is strictly confifential and protected.

Safecall – Frequently asked questions

How does it work?

There are two main ways you can contact Safecall - by freephone 0800 222 847 or by submitting a request via the Safecall website

When you contact Safecall by phone, the Safecall specialist will ask you to explain your application in as many details as possible. During this time, the expert will take notes and can ask you questions about your application.

At the end of the call, Safecall will send a written report to DPD Croatia d.o.o.

Can I remain anonymous?

Yes. If you do not reveal your identity to the Safecall specialist, they will not know who you are. Even if you make a mistake and accidentally say your name, Safecall experts will not reveal it.

Also, Safecall does not record call in order to protect the identity of anonymous callers.

What can be reported?

The Service is available to receive reports including: fraud, safety, health and safety, data breach, bullying, bribery, corruption, dishonesty, harassment, victimization or any other issue that you feel is unacceptable in the workplace.

Who will receive my application?

The application is sent to the ethics officer or a confidential person.

How to contact Safecall?

Call the toll-free number

0800 222 847