5 December 2017 | Press release

DPDgroup presents Europeans’ latest online shopping habits

The 2017 “E-shopper barometer” report*

highlights this year’s trends and opportunities


Key take-aways:

  • Online experience: the vast majority of e-shoppers consider their most recent online purchasing experience as ‘very positive’, and found their experience ‘easy’.
  • Cross-border e-shopping: cross-border purchases are growing significantly, especially for products originating from China. There is still room for strong growth as one third of e-shoppers are willing to start purchasing abroad.
  • M-commerce: smartphones are increasingly used to make online purchases, especially among heavy buyers and millennials.
  • Delivery: the home is still by far the most used delivery location, but interest for alternatives is growing e.g. parcel shops, retailer stores, and lockers.
  • Local strategies: delivery and payment preferences vary widely from one country to the other. To meet customers’ expectations and further develop e-commerce activities, e-tailers must think local to maximise opportunities.

“This year’s report underlines the clear potential that cross-border shopping represents. One of three key features that can favour online cross-border purchases is related to local behaviours and requirements as well as shoppers’ specific needs in each market. Mobile-friendly platforms is the second to cater for the rise in m-commerce. Last but not least, ensure an impeccable first experience for new e-shoppers would secure their loyalty in the long term.”

Jean-Claude Sonet, Marketing Director, DPDgroup