21 July 2022 | News

DPD Netherlands welcomes GeoPost/DPDgroup goal of zero emissions by 2040.

GeoPost/DPDgroup has stepped up its sustainability ambitions and aims to achieve zero emissions worldwide by 2040. This is 10 years earlier than the climate agreement would require. DPD has submitted this ambition to the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). DPD Netherlands has welcomed the plans of parent company GeoPost/DPDgroup for a net zero target. The Dutch operations are on track to meet and where possible exceed these targets. DPD had previously announced in the Netherlands that it would deliver emission-free in the 45 largest cities in the Netherlands by 2025 and replace all buses with electric buses by 2030.

GeoPost/DPDgroup heeft zowel een korte termijn decarbonisatie doelstelling als een lange termijn netto-nuldoelstelling ter goedkeuring voorgelegd aan het Science Based Target-initiatief (SBTi). De groep onderneemt doortastende actie om tegen 2040 een netto-nuluitstoot te bereiken. GeoPost/DPDgroup heeft zich ertoe verbonden om zijn broeikasgasemissies (scope 1, 2 en 3[1]) tegen 2030 met 43% en tegen 2040 met 90% te verminderen ten opzichte van 2020 en het compenseren van 10% resterende emissie. Dit is 10 jaar eerder dan de afspraken in de overeenkomst van Parijs. GeoPost/DPDgroup verwacht begin 2023 goedkeuring van SBTi te krijgen.

Eric Dietz, CEO DPD Netherlands: "We welcome GeoPost/DPDgroup's ambitious announcement and are proud to contribute to our parent company's international commitment to sustainability. It is a hugely significant step and demonstrates GeoPost/DPDgroup's commitment to being a leader in net-zero emissions in the global parcel delivery market. Our goal is to become the greenest parcel delivery company in the Netherlands by means of electrifying the fleet: the buses, trucks and leases, monitoring air quality, making our buildings more sustainable, realizing smart urban delivery, using reusable packaging, etc. We are confident that we will make this happen, as our teams are 100% committed to making the change and taking on the biggest challenge of our time."

Sustainability at the core of DPD’s strategy
DPD has been carbon neutral since 2012 by offsetting all residual emissions from transport and buildings. To do this, DPD invests in reliable, certified renewable energy projects in Brazil, India and Indonesia. DPDgroup is well on its way to delivering parcels in 350 cities in Europe, (reaching 110 million Europeans) with 15,000 low-emission vehicles, 6,700 charging points and 250 city depots by 2025. This will lead to 83% reduction of carbon emissions and 95% reduction of air pollutants in the cities concerned.


[1] Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from resources owned or controlled by the company. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions - not included in scope 2 - that occur in the value chain. (Source: GHG Protocol).


About the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi)
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body that enables companies to set ambitious targets for reducing emissions in line with the latest climate science. The initiative aims to encourage companies worldwide to accelerate their efforts to halve their emissions by 2030 and achieve zero emissions by 2050. The initiative is a collaboration between Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and one of the commitments of the We Mean Business Coalition. The SBTi defines and promotes best practices in a setting of science-based goals, provides tools and guidance to remove barriers to adoption, and independently assesses companies' goals before approval is granted.