From March 2024, billing will be done by customer/debit number instead of location. If you use multiple locations (sub-accounts or A-number) and want to have visibility of billing information by location, you can. In your default CSV file, you will find the sender address fields (senderAddress, senderZip, senderCity, senderCountry). You can sort on any of these columns so that it is clear to you which location is involved.
You can also add an attribute per location to the parcel specification. Below are all the options. You can also download a manual with examples here.
DPD Shipper Central and DPD Shipper local - manually create a shipping order
When manually creating a new shipment order, you will find the section called Parcels on the right-hand side. Here you can fill in additional fields for a reference such as your location. These 4 reference fields are not visible by default. You can make them visible yourself. Go to Settings, Basis and in the References section, set the number of parcel references to 4.
DPD Shipper Central and DPD Shipper local - using an import profile
When using an import profile, you can add a field for your location to your existing profile. Open the import profile, click mapping, scroll down and click the Parcel section. Under Reference 4, in the Constant column, you can enter a value to be given to all parcels of the import profile by location. Save this and only then use it to create your labels.
DPD Shipper Central and DPD Shipper local - import a CSV file.
If you import the CSV file, a value can be added so that it is linked to the parcel and can be seen later on the CSV file that you can download from DPD Insights.
DPD Shipper Webservices
Via DPD Shipper Webservice you can provide additional data such as your location via the field <customerReferenceNumber4
In the parcel information you send to DPD, field SendParcelref4 must be filled with the location's attribute (sub account or A number).
Please contact [email protected] if you want an explanation of these options.