13. October 2023 | Press news

DPD stands for Day Definite - a defined delivery date throughout Europe


Today, in a challenging economy, it is especially important for companies to find new ways to empower their business and meet the expectations of their customers. Today, it is very important for consumers to know the delivery date of the package before making a purchase.

Geopost and DPD recently introduced the improved DPD Home / DPD Business service, which now offers a Day Definite user experience. Every customer and every user can now know the exact delivery time information from zip code to zip code in 30* destination countries across Europe. They presented the so-called lead time calculator that quickly and easily calculates the estimated delivery time from post code to post code.

International business has recently become essential for many companies, which is why the experts at Geopost and DPD have presented a tool that can expand your business throughout Europe and make it easier at the same time.

Predictability and reliability are key factors for European e-shoppers to enjoy a positive delivery experience.

In one of the largest surveys of e-shopping trends, the E-shopper barometer, DPD found that regular e-shoppers are increasingly demanding when it comes to achieving a seamless e-shopping experience. When asked about their biggest expectations, time management was the first thing they pointed out.

72% of regular e-shoppers believe that being able to choose a day and an exact 1-hour window before delivery would make them more likely to make a purchase.

The DPD delivery time calculator offers just that - information on the exact delivery time from post code to post code. The representative from DPD also confided in us that every sender can also integrate the calculator into their website or online store and thus make waiting for delivery easier for their customers.

You can find more information at https://www.dpd.com/si/sl/kalkulator-za-izracun-dobavnega-roka/ and at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUtwt18h6LI.



*From 24 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands , United kingdom

*To 30 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands , Great Britain, Bosnia, Serbia, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.


Snježana Stanić

Snježana Stanić

Marketing & PR manager


DPD v Sloveniji

DPD Slovenija je del Geopost, največje mreže za dostavo paketov v Evropi. S 122.000 strokovnjaki za dostavo in Pickup omrežjem z več kot 83.000 lokacijami za prevzem paketov DPDgroup dnevno dostavi 8,3 milijona paketov – 2,1 milijarde paketov na leto – prek blagovnih znamk DPD, Chronopost, SEUR, BRT in Jadlog. DPD je v Sloveniji začel delovati leta 2004. V 19 letih je postal eden ključnih akterjev, ki zagotavlja zelo kakovostno storitev dostave paketov. DPD vsakodnevno deluje v imenu tisočih zadovoljnih strank, združuje inovativno tehnologijo in lokalno znanje za zagotovitev prilagodljive in do uporabnika prijazne storitve tako za pošiljatelje kot za stranke. DPD s svojo vodilno storitvijo Predict, aplikacijo myDPD, Pickup lokacijami in paketiniki postavlja nov standard povezanosti strank z dostavo njihovih paketov.