16. February 2023 | General information

Support for Turkey and Syria


Ljubljana, February 2023 | At DPDgroup, we are shocked and saddened by the earthquakes and resulting destruction in Turkey and Syria. There has been loss of life and material damage, so we want to join those who are currently helping and supporting the bereaved and affected population.

As you probably all know, the whole world is deeply shocked and saddened by the news and pictures of the devastating earthquakes that recently hit Turkey and Syria. Given the scale of loss of life and material damage, we would like to express our support to all the bereaved families and residents who are now suffering the consequences of this disaster. Unfortunately, Yurtiçi Kargo, our business partner in Turkey since 2007, has suffered a loss in this tragedy, with several casualties reported to date between dead or errors.

GeoPost has donated €100,000 through the French Red Cross to support the delivery of emergency aid, which is now coordinated by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Turkish Red Crescent and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement provides essential financial, material and human support on the ground.

Additional initiatives are currently taking place in the various branches of the La Poste Group.

Despite the problems in the affected areas, activities continue at home and abroad. As a logistics operator, Yurtici Kargo participates in humanitarian aid with on-site logistical support. Our thoughts are with the Yurtiçi Kargo colleagues and their families during this difficult time, as well as with all those who suffered damage and purchased.

Those who wish to contribute can do so via the French Red Cross fundraising link.


Snježana Stanić

Snježana Stanić

Marketing & PR manager


DPD v Sloveniji

DPD Slovenija je del DPDgroup, največje mreže za dostavo paketov v Evropi. S 120.000 strokovnjaki za dostavo in Pickup omrežjem z več kot 70.000 lokacijami za prevzem paketov DPDgroup dnevno dostavi 8,4 milijona paketov – 2,1 milijardi paketov na leto – prek blagovnih znamk DPD, Chronopost, SEUR, BRT in Jadlog. DPD je v Sloveniji začel delovati leta 2004. V 18 letih je postal eden ključnih akterjev, ki zagotavlja zelo kakovostno storitev dostave paketov. DPD vsakodnevno deluje v imenu tisočih zadovoljnih strank, združuje inovativno tehnologijo in lokalno znanje za zagotovitev prilagodljive in do uporabnika prijazne storitve tako za pošiljatelje kot za stranke. DPD s svojo vodilno storitvijo Predict, aplikacijo myDPD, Pickup lokacijami in paketiniki postavlja nov standard povezanosti strank z dostavo njihovih paketov.