DPD Germany has signed the Diversity Charter. This is a document drawn up by the association of the same name in which the signatories commit themselves to promoting diversity in the world of work. The aim is to promote the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity at the occupational level in Germany. Organisations of all kinds are encouraged to create a working environment that is free of prejudice. With this commitment DPD Germany is following the positive example of its cooperation partner Eintracht Frankfurt. The Bundesliga club is one of around 3,800 companies and institutions that are already part of the Diversity Charter.
As part of the international DPDgroup, the German express and parcel service provider is already committed to tolerance, diversity and equal opportunities. A diverse workforce is already part of DPD Germany's natural identity. By signing the Diversity Charter DPD has committed itself to continuing to promote diversity and to actively work to offer all employees equal opportunities within the company. They are all to be valued equally - irrespective of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and world view, sexual orientation and social origin.
The Diversity Charter is an employer initiative launched by four companies in December 2006. Minister of State Annette Widmann-Mauz supports the initiative as the Federal Government's Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration.
The seven dimensions of diversity
The Diversity Charter focuses on the personality of each individual. We welcome all employees, because it is only with a diverse team that we can achieve our wide-ranging goals.
Would you like to learn more about the seven dimensions? Just click on the point you need more information about:
- Age
- Ethnic origin and nationality
- Gender or gender identity
- Physical and mental capabilities
- Religion and beliefs
- Sexual orientation
- Social background
For more information on the Diversity Charter, please see www.charta-der-vielfalt.de
The seven dimensions of diversity

The Diversity Charter focuses on the personality of each individual. We welcome all employees, because it is only with a diverse team that we can achieve our wide-ranging goals.
Would you like to learn more about the seven dimensions? Just click on the point you need more information about:
- Age
- Ethnic origin and nationality
- Gender or gender identity
- Physical and mental capabilities
- Religion and beliefs
- Sexual orientation
- Social background
For more information on the Diversity Charter, please see www.charta-der-vielfalt.de