The deposit okay for DPD parcels.

Receive your parcels without contact. Log in now and specify the storage location.

800x350_10.jpg Abstell-Okay

The deposit okay for DPD parcels.

Receive your parcels without contact. Log in now and specify the storage location.

With a deposit okay, you will receive your parcels even if you are not at home. Simply give us a deposit okay online and we'll leave your parcel where you specify - for example in the garage or the garden shed.

What are the advantages for you?

You receive your parcels without delay and without contact. Regardless of whether you are at home or not.

As a registered customer you can keep track of all your incoming and outgoing parcels.

You help protect the environment because successful first-time deliveries reduce traffic.

Kontaktlose Zustellung

Just a few clicks to contact-free delivery

Issue an uncomplicated and quick deposit okay for your parcels.

It's as easy as this

  1. Register with myDPD.

  2. Under "Delivery preferences" in the menu you can specify where we should deposit your parcels in future.

  3. Save your entry and from now on you will receive your parcels even if you aren't at home.

Kontaktlose Zustellung

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