7. August 2023 | Update

DPD app convinces in CHIP test with a wide range of services

DPD app convinces in CHIP test with a wide range of services

Aschaffenburg, August 7th, 2023: In its current print edition (9/2023), the renowned technology magazine CHIP took a close look at the apps of the six major parcel service providers. In the overall result DPD took second place with a score of 2.0.

For the leading parcel service providers in Germany, a customer app is part of the standard digital service offering. Users can use it, for example, to find the nearest parcel shop, create individual parcel labels, track their shipments and also conveniently return them directly. However, as the test result of the technology magazine CHIP shows, the quality of the apps varies considerably in terms of service variety.

With an overall grade of 2.0 according to the school grading system, the DPD app came a strong second behind the market leader DHL Group. The testers were particularly impressed by the high user value of the DPD app, which is reflected in the wide range of functions. These include, for example, the proactive push notifications on the receipt of parcels or the transparent postage advisor for fair shipping prices. In the area of data transparency DPD even scores better than DHL Group.

"Only recently, Stiftung Warentest awarded us in a practical test for, among other things, live tracking and one hundred percent adherence to the delivery times we forecast. The fact that we have now also been able to occupy a top position in a comparison of the mobile offerings of the major parcel service providers once again underlines DPD's exceptionally high level of customer orientation.“
Ricarda Roth, Senior Group Manager Digital Customer Interfaces DPD Germany


Sabrina Scheer

Manager Public Relations & Social Media
