Via Safecall you can report breaches of laws and DPD guidelines confidentially and anonymously - around the clock online or by telephone

Safecall is designed to promote and ensure compliance with our ethical and corporate standards. It helps to uncover and eliminate corruption, fraud and unethical behavior, discrimination and harassment, as well as health and safety risks at DPD. In doing so, we fulfill our corporate responsibility as well as legal requirements and together we create a positive working culture that naturally includes integrity, transparency and a sense of responsibility.

Who can use Safecall?

Safecall is open to all employees, system partners and delivery staff, as well as our customers, suppliers and service providers, and will be available in seven languages in future.


Confidentiality has the highest priority

All information you provide via Safecall is strictly confidential and protected in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act. With Safecall, you can report abuses without revealing your identity. We want to ensure that you can raise your concerns freely without having to worry about negative consequences.

Issues that you can report via Safecall



  1. Harassment (sexual) , threats, coercion
  2. Fraud, theft, manipulation, deception, embezzlement
  3. Discrimination, harassment, Mobbing, unequal treatment (AGG)
  4. Conflicts of interest (personal relationships)
  5. Corruption (attempt), granting of benefits and/or influencing
  6. Human and/or environmental rights (LkSG) breach
  7. Minimum wage (undeclared work, appropriate remuneration) Breach
  8. Competition and antitrust law breach
  9. Code of Conduct Breach
  10. Other significant breaches of (criminal) laws and regulations

How to report breaches and what happens next

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Submit your report online

Select the desired language, click on "Submit report" and follow the instructions on the screen. Describe your case in detail and provide verified and solid evidence. Once your report has been received, the matter will be thoroughly investigated. On request, you will receive updates on the status and completion of the investigation.

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Or submit your report by telephone

You can also submit your report around the clock via the Safecall telephone hotline: 0800 1009205. You will be connected to a Safecall employee, with whom you can speak confidentially about the details of your report. The matter will then be investigated internally. On request, you will receive updates on the status of the investigation and the conclusion of the proceedings.

Safecall telephone hotline: 0800 1009205.


Info Info


The whistleblowing system is available online or by telephone around the clock and offers several language options.