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Help on the subject of receiving parcels

Here you will find questions and our answers relating to the subject of receiving parcels. We will tell you how to track and redirect your parcel, give you answers about parcel delivery and how to evaluate our services.

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What happens if the driver doesn't locate me at home?

Consignees who are not located at the time of delivery receive a parcel notification card from DPD. By scanning the QR code, entering the parcel number at or by telephone, the recipient is informed where his parcel is at the moment. If the parcel has not yet been delivered or deposited, he has the possibility to redirect the parcel in the way that suits him best.

Why is my parcel at the parcel delivery centre? What can I do?

Your parcel is currently still at the parcel delivery centre and can't be processed for delivery at the moment.

The possible reasons for this are:

  • There is a delivery problem (e.g. address clarification or misrouting of the parcel), and it is currently being resolved.
  • The parcel can't be forwarded immediately due to a high volume of shipments.

A parcel that is shown to me as "delivered" has not yet been delivered to me. What is the reason for this?

We will be happy to help you find your parcel.

  • Was the parcel perhaps delivered to a neighbour?
  • Is the parcel at the specified safe place, e.g. in the garage?
  • Did we drop the parcel off for you at a parcel shop?

What is a drop-off okay / deposit authorisation?

With a drop-off okay you allow the DPD driver to leave your parcel in a safe place which you specify, for example in the garage.

You can issue a one-time drop-off okay for a parcel in your parcel tracking, or enter a drop-off okay as a permanent delivery preference for all your parcels.

The delivery vehicle has not moved in Live-Tracking for a long time. What is the reason for this?

There are various reasons why the delivery vehicle may remain motionless for some time in Live-Tracking, e.g.:

  • The driver is delivering several parcels to different consignees at the same address and needs a little more time to do so.
  • Especially in city centres the driver does not park the vehicle at every individual delivery stop, but delivers parcels to consignees within reach on foot.
  • The driver is taking a break.
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How can I contact Customer Service?

We will be happy to help you as a consignee.

  • Describe the matter to us in the contact form.  We will get back to you by email as soon as possible.
  • Or call us on +49 6021 150 415.

My parcel can't be located. What should I do?

We will be happy to help you if the tracking system shows that your parcel was delivered, but you in fact have not received it.

  • Describe the problem to us in the contact form. We will get back to you by email as soon as possible after checking the matter.
  • Or call us on +49 6021 150 415.

How can I leave a rating or send a tip to the delivery driver in myDPD and in the DPD App?

After you have received a DPD parcel, we would be pleased if you would rate our delivery service in myDPD or the DPD App. To do so, enter the parcel number and assign 1 to 5 stars in your rating.

What can I do if I have received a damaged parcel?

If the contents of the parcel are damaged when they reach you, you should first contact the consignor. We can only investigate the case and inspect the damage on the instructions of the consignor.

I would like to change the rating of a delivery again. How can I do this?

Unfortunately a rating cannot be changed subsequently.


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